Best Practices For Raising And Transporting Load On a Forklift


Best Practices For Raising And Transporting Load On a Forklift

Best Practices For Raising And Transporting L…

5th Nov 2021

Lifting load is one of the most common aspects of forklift operation. However, when not done properly it could lead to all manner of accidents.

For instance, it can lead to the damage of overhead fixtures in the warehouse, tip-over accidents and load falling off the forklift to hit the pedestrians below.

Therefore in today's article, we look at three key areas you should pay attention to when you are lifting the load on a forklift to stay safe.

Ensure You Have Adequate Overhead Clearance

Before you can lift any load always ensure you have adequate overhead clearance. You can establish this during your visual pre-operation check especially if you are new to that specific work environment.

Adequate overhead clearance will see to it that you do not cause any damage to the overhead fixtures like sprinklers, lights or the ceiling itself. In the process, you will also keep parts of your forklift like the load backrest from damage due to impact with the ceiling.

Keep The Forklift Stationary

You should also ensure your forklift is not moving or in a position to move while the load is being raised. As you lift the load, the stability of the forklift is usually affected since the center of gravity is elevated.

For this reason, when the forklift is moving while loaded it only becomes unstable and exposed to tip-over accidents.

Therefore always make sure you engage the brakes of your forklift to limit any chances of movement.

Ensure Load Is Properly Balanced

The load should also be properly balanced on the forks to reinforce its stability. Ensure the forks cover as much area beneath the load as possible for proper balance. Then adjust the forks as much as possible to ensure the weight of the load is centrally placed between the forks.

The heaviest parts of the load should be placed directly facing the forklift load backrest. Before you can raise the load tilt the forklift mast backward to give it more stability.

Article Summary

Ensure you have adequate overhead clearance so that you do not cause destruction.

Ensure that the forklift's brake is engaged to keep the forklift stationary to avoid tip-overs.

Ensure that the load is properly balanced on the forklift before you can move it. 

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